Himpact - Sr High


What is Himpact?

Himpact is the name of our High School Youth ministry. The name Himpact was chosen to capture our desire to have the youth of our community impacted by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then turn around and impact the world around them. Of course, none of this is possible with out Him. Hence…the name Himpact.

What is our purpose?

Himpact exists to grow our faith in Jesus together, exalting God, serving in communion, reaching the non-believer through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and equipping them with an unshakable faith, all to the glory of God.

When do we meet?

Himpact meets every Thursday night at 7:00 PM in the Youth room on the West side of building B. Youth are encouraged to arrive by 6:00 PM to hang out and have fellowship with others before the service begins.



High School Students - Join us!

Join us for a day trip to the Dragoons in Tucson : Food • Worship • Fellowship • Getting closer to Jesus

Meet up time at Calvary Chapel SV • 8 AM

Questions? email or call John Packer

Follow us on Facebook for upcoming events.

Want to get involved?

Click here to print, complete, and return application.

Contact Information

John & Diana Packer : john@calvarysv.com or 719.660.0136